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Nuestra académica Oriana Bernasconi junto a un equipo de investigadores, gana financiamiento para proyecto en la convocatoria 2018 del British Academy’s Sustainable Development Programme

Este programa financia investigaciones orientadas a la política del Reino Unido, dirigidas a abordar la Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo Sostenible de las Naciones Unidas. Apoya a los investigadores en humanidades y ciencias sociales que trabajan para generar evidencia sobre los desafíos y oportunidades que enfrentan los países en desarrollo y responden a los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible . Los proyectos […]

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Este programa financia investigaciones orientadas a la política del Reino Unido, dirigidas a abordar la Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo Sostenible de las Naciones Unidas. Apoya a los investigadores en humanidades y ciencias sociales que trabajan para generar evidencia sobre los desafíos y oportunidades que enfrentan los países en desarrollo y responden a los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible . Los proyectos deben demostrar un enfoque innovador e interdisciplinario que genere nuevos conocimientos conceptuales, desarrolle investigaciones innovadoras y energice colaboraciones de investigación innovadoras en las humanidades y las ciencias sociales.

Título del proyecto: Documentality and Display: Archiving and curating the violent past in contemporary Argentina, Chile and Colombia.

Investigadora responsable Prof. Vikki Bell,Goldsmiths College, ReinoUnido.

Co- investigadores: OrianaBernasconi, Departamento de Sociología, Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Chile; Jaime Hernández, Departamento de Arquitectura y Diseño, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Colombia; Cecilia Sosa Research Fellow (Universidad NacionalTres de Febrero, Argentina)

Budget: £292,316.763

Period 26/09/2018- 18/12/2020


How should those effected by State violence and armed conflict record and collect their experiences to lend them effectively to future justice processes and future use? How are questions of inclusiveness, categorisation and material delimitations dealt with by established and emerging archives and documentation centres? How are these centres being used? This research draws upon the notion of ‘documentality’ in the philosophy of Ferraris (2013; also Bell, 2018), by which the social order is understood to be founded upon the ways in which human lives are inscribed materially and imaginatively, to study key centres of post-conflict documentation in Argentina, Chile and Colombia. It investigates how their modes of recording attempt to lend order to the messiness of violence, and how archival documents are put to work within legal, cultural and aesthetic processes that place them within other forums, e.g. courts, art and community spaces, with their distinct modes of display.

This interdisciplinary research project seeks to address the aims of sustainable governance and of sustainable human development and creativity. Bringing together co-applicants based in Argentina, Chile, Colombia and UK, the project will build upon the knowledge we each bring of documentation processes that have arisen from within civil societies who have experienced conflict and violence. The project seeks to consider how documents of violence are constituted, collected and preserved in archives and documentation centres, the decision-making that takes place at those sites – and its problems – and how these centres are being utilised as ways of creating engagement with the violence of the past in ways that are culturally important. These involve legal processes, thatrecognise past crimes and establish the rule of law and socio-cultural processes that seek forms of sustainable peace through understanding what present and future societies inherit from the experience of conflict.

Más información: https://www.britac.ac.uk/sustainable-development-programme-2018

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